Author of The Parasitic Role of Elites, Saving Democracy!, Wasted Genius and Common Genius

Category Archives: Blog

Obama’s Treaties & Free Trade: The Devil’s in the Details

Almost everyone approves of signing treaties to eliminate nuclear weapons, environmental damage, and restrictive trade policies. However, if the treaties fail to provide for such beneficial results they are not worth the paper they are written on. Further, if the detailed language in the treaty allows a continuation of what was supposed to be outlawed,… Continue Reading

How Trump has Transformed the GOP into the new Third Party We Needed

How Trump has Transformed the GOP into the new Third Party We Needed

Yesterday’s New Bedford Standard Times featured an op-ed by Professors Davies and Harrigan that would have been appropriate several months ago.  But that was before Donald Trump defeated all the establishment-types and seized control of the nomination. In February it did appear that the two major political parties were intent on continuing their shared mission–to make the central… Continue Reading

2016 Election – Help Wanted – Experienced Can-Do Manager

2016 Election – Help Wanted – Experienced Can-Do Manager

It is unfortunate that recent elections have become so blurred by the bickering over who is a true liberal or a true conservative that we ignore who would make the most effective president—A “can-do” leader able to clean up the mess in Washington and make government operations efficient and fair–the servant of all the people, not just… Continue Reading

Parody of Boston Globe Headlines if Hillary wins Presidency

Parody of Boston Globe Headlines if Hillary wins Presidency

March 15, 2017 – Boston Globe – Current Events “White House welcomes 500,000 refugees from Middle East.” Mostly young men seeking asylum from Iranian/Saudi conflict.” “Drug epidemic worsens; Rio Grande being crossed at will by smugglers. Sheriff shot.” “President sending more troops to Syria, Russia warns against Yankee aggression.” “Goldman Sachs’ chief-executive appointed to head… Continue Reading

How Does Muslim Immigration Help America?

How Does Muslim Immigration Help America?

FBI veteran Don Borelli appeared on MSNBC last week to speak about the recent terrorist massacres in Paris and Brussels. Borelli pointed out that no number of police at the airport could have stopped the carnage. He suggested we needed better intelligence. However, most of the terrorists involved had been on our watch lists–it seems… Continue Reading

Take Your Pick – More Downward Drift or Disruption?

Take Your Pick – More Downward Drift or Disruption?

Anyone watching the news lately might believe that America’s political candidates have lost their senses. Hardly a day goes by without the talking heads on TV reporting that one of the candidates said something simply awful-and then suggesting that the indiscreet candidate should just drop out of the race. But what’s wrong with speaking the… Continue Reading

Nazi type Protesters Bused in to Disrupt Candidate’s Speech

Nazi type Protesters Bused in to Disrupt Candidate’s Speech

A headline in today’s Standard Times highlights a “change” in American culture- a change for the worse. It reads: “Police Calls up at Keith School. Mayor, school committee say concerns over violence at middle school must be addressed.” The article goes on to say that the school atmosphere “is mired in a lack of discipline… Continue Reading

America– Fractured and Fracked to Death

America– Fractured and Fracked to Death

The subject of “Income Inequality” has become a hot topic. Even Mitt Romney recently tried his hand at advocating methods to help the poor and end poverty. This topic is one America must face because, for far too long now, our leaders have sought to benefit themselves by alleviating the pain of poverty instead of… Continue Reading

Syria Today Is Not Germany in 1939

Syria Today Is Not Germany in 1939

When it comes to foreign policy, President Obama can’t seem to win. Critics correctly point to how his efforts to draw red lines have become an international joke. And even his success at toppling dictators, or his efforts to help the “reformists,” whoever they are, have all had adverse unintended consequences. Indeed, the Arab Spring… Continue Reading

The Truth Hurts–especially those with closed ideological minds

The Truth Hurts–especially those with closed ideological minds

Yesterday I noted that there was a lot of critical comments aimed at Rupert Murdoch’s tweet about the Malaysian plane crash. (He suggested that it was probably a terrorist act.) The common theme in the vast majority of the posted comments was that Murdock is evil and Fox News is worse. It made me wonder:… Continue Reading